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In The News

South Jersey Weed Control takes great pride in being recognized by the local media for our dedicated services. Our commitment goes beyond merely maintaining healthy yards; we aim to serve as an educational resource for the community. By informing the public about various pests, blights, and diseases prevalent in our region, we contribute to a more informed and proactive approach to yard care and pest control.

Why Local Media Recognition Matters for Our Services:

  1. Community Awareness: Features in local news outlets highlight the importance of effective yard care and pest control, raising awareness among homeowners about common challenges and solutions.
  2. Educational Outreach: Our media presence allows us to share valuable knowledge about local pests and diseases, helping residents understand and tackle these issues more effectively.
  3. Trust and Credibility: Being covered by local media enhances our credibility, showing that we are a trusted and reliable source for yard care and pest control services.

Our Contribution to Local News:

  • Expert Insights: We provide expert commentary and advice on managing and preventing yard-related problems specific to our region.
  • Success Stories: Our local media features often include success stories from our clients, showcasing the impact of our services on improving yard health and aesthetics.
  • Community Engagement: We actively participate in local events and initiatives, demonstrating our commitment to the community’s well-being.

We invite you to explore our media features and learn more about how South Jersey Weed Control is making a difference in our community. Our goal is to not only offer top-quality services but also to educate and empower our clients for a healthier, more beautiful outdoor environment. Check out our latest news and updates below!

Eagleswood Township couple battle beetles on Long Beach Island

From The Press of Atlantic City
Written by Donna Weaver
November 27, 2010

Excerpt from Press of Atlantic City

John Zettel and Chrisi Sheridan are in the business of saving trees on Long Beach Island from what they say is an Ips beetle epidemic.

“We’re like the CSI of bugs,” Sheridan said.

The investigators, who own South Jersey Weed Control, have tentatively identified the beetle as the critter responsible for eating the insides of pine trees on Long Beach Island.

See more at: Press of Atlantic City

Isn't it time you took control of your property? Click here to request a FREE Quote Now! 

Contact Us

Address: 430 Main Street
West Creek, NJ 08092
Phone: 609-294-1600
Fax: 609-294-1601
Click here for directions.

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